Can You Play It By Ear?
For travellers dreaming of Newfoundland and Labrador’s magnificent coastal scenery, abundance of wildlife and welcoming people; Canada’s most easterly province has now made these dreams one step closer to reality. With so many natural sounds contributing to the experience of visiting, wannabe explorers can now ‘play it by ear’ by creating their very own Newfoundland and Labrador soundtrack whilst travel to Canada is not possible.
The ultimate ASMR experience, fans can find their inner composer by creating a compilation of the natural instruments surrounding Newfoundland and Labrador. From the waves crashing against the shores, the bass of steady boat oars, or the treble of underwater whale calls; creators can use their musical ears to build the ultimate relaxing soundtrack, transporting them to the beautiful province through sounds.
There are three editions to choose from: Hiking and Coastline, People and Culture and Nature and Wildlife. Music fanatics can choose up to ten sounds from each category to create an idyllic soundtrack. Users can blend the sounds of the unmistakable song of a humpback whale with the crashing waves, the glorious chime of a church bell with folk songs or fluttering seabirds with the gentle sounds of running moose – there are so many combinations, it will be easy to get lost for hours creating a relaxing tune.
Music makers can complete their ultimate Newfoundland and Labrador soundtrack here: